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Meet Our Management Staff!


Hi, I'm Shauntée Smith!

Star Elite Basketball is an organization that is dear to my heart! It all started with me being a mom, cheering in the bleachers at a basketball game! If you know basketball, then you know it can be intense! Watching my very own son play basketball along with his teammates showed me that I could help make a difference! I saw the passion they had for this game, and the dedication they showed at each and every practice and every single tournament. They weren't getting the exposure they deserved. The referees always seemed to be against them. They were the team that didn't get much recognition or respect. But they kept fighting through it! They pushed through with the odds constantly against them and still won! They got talked down to but still came back, played hard and played well! They were in a situation that didn't offer much & they just couldn't get ahead. I knew something had to change. They needed to know that there is someone else along with their parents that believed in them, supported them and wanted to see them rise higher! In those very moments I realized that I wanted to do everything I could to just help the boys have a chance! A chance at following their dreams, accomplishing their goals, a chance at being scouted, a chance to think beyond and aspire for much more! At STAR Elite Basketball, we not only coach them, but we aim to guide them towards life after our organization! We steer them towards higher education, scholarships, getting connected to the best college recruiters, top basketball powerhouse teams, and setting substantial career goals! It's often difficult to know where to begin, and can be overwhelming but I wanted to try to make a way and connect those dots for our parents and players! So here we are! I've loved every step of this journey and will continue to break through the barriers! We're going to win games, and we're going to win at life! Let's Go STAR Elite Basketball!!

Shauntée Smith, President and Proud Mom

PCA Certified (Positive Coaching Alliance)

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 Laquia Nelson

Hi, I'm Laquia Nelson, but I'm better known as Quail! If asked what STAR Elite Basketball means to me I think you would see it in my actions and my dedication to every child who walks through our gym doors. I have a love for these kids as if each one were my very own! Their dreams are valuable! Their success is imperative! Their wellbeing is a priority! I want to be a part of something bigger than myself and see each child move in the direction going upward! Basketball teaches strength, it teaches commitment, it teaches work ethic! These are some of the morals that I strongly believe in and is shown through our STAR Elite Basketball organization. When we decided to come together to form this organization, I knew it was because our kids deserved to have something to strive for, something to look forward to, and an avenue to get to the next level. I knew it was something I could be proud of! I'm proud to be able to make a difference, whether big or small. I'm proud to not only build this organization, but also help build up the kids on our team! They are built through love, support, discipline and encouragement and I'm their biggest cheerleader! They all have something great within! I will continue to fight for them, fight for their success and will always see them for the wonderful, amazing kids they are! Again, if asked what STAR Elite Basketball means to me, I would point to the kids and show you! The kids are what this organization means to me! They are all a STAR in my eyes and every day I hope to see them shine even brighter than day before! 

Laquia Nelson 'QUAIL', Vice President and Dedicated Mom 

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